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It has been a while since I have last made a post. I have been so busy with so many things lately that I have just been unable to sit down and write.

Work, my daughter’s birthday, my daughter’s birthday party, writing articles for Beasts of War, more work crap and so on and so forth.

I have been so busy that my wife said to me the other day “You have not written a post in a while” and my response to her was “Yes I have, it was last week or something” when in fact, it was about two weeks ago when I made a mini post of what I have been up to as far as writing goes.

This revelation made me realize how easy it is to let things slip by the wayside.

To get so wrapped up in everything else that you are not focusing on the goal that you set for yourself.

Now yes, I have been writing for a hobby gaming website on the side and that is a small piece of the greater “I want to be and live as a writer and not a corporate cubicle jockey” puzzle but I was losing track of moving forward.

Of finding new and different ways to increase my writing skills and potential.

So really, this post I am writing is a post about not writing.

For me to excel and achieve this goal that I have set out for myself, I need to consistently push forward. To let the creative juices flow and to write.

Every day.

This is something that I have not done. I write here and there. Maybe twice a week but to succeed I need to be writing every day. So from here on out. I will focus on writing something every day.

Even if it is just something small like a letter or a short synopsis of a story that is lurking in my brain.

Any who, sorry for the long lapse and if you are a writer, let me know how you stay focused. How do you stay on track to achieve your writers’ life?